Timeless Values ​​- An emotional reunion night of the OSP GROUP family

With the desire to connect generations of members as well as to spread heart and soul gratitude to the Group’s employees and former employees, last Saturday (June 17th), OSP Group held a Gala night to celebrate its 15th anniversary with the theme Timeless Values.

In today’s blog, let’s go back in time to see how the members of the OSP family felt and what special stories they shared during the recent Gala night of gratitude.

If you think that the reunion between generations of OSP is just a simple ceremony with “typical” activities, you are wrong because here, we do not do that.

Right from the start of planning and choosing “Timeless Values” as the main theme for the series of activities towards the 15-years milestone of establishment and development, the organizers deeply wanted to create connections and shares not only between members who are accompanying OSP but also between generations of the Group, between the senior and junior generation. To do this, there would be nothing more appropriate than a close conversation in which the participants are the seniors who had contributed to create OSP with the influential position of today.

After over a month of preparation, OSP Timeless Values ​​Gala had officially taken place. The 40 degrees hot weather of Hanoi in midsummer seemed to be no match for the heat of the event because from 3 P.M, all guests and staff of OSP were present at the venue to participate in pre-show activities.

General Director Le Quang Dung and Deputy General Director Phung Thi Mai Anh took photo with two other founders of OSP: Mr. Tran Trong Hoan and Mr. Nguyen Thanh Hai

With a program of such special significance as Timeless Values, the organizers decided to begin the event with a water drum dance performance to bring a vibrant atmosphere to the audience. However, the real highlight of the opening ceremony should be the performance “The Promise of Youth” with the participation of more than 20 members from the OSP family as singers and dancers, although amateur, but certainly admirable.

The two performances successfully stirred up the atmosphere in the auditorium and officially inaugurated the ceremony of The 15th Anniversary of OSP Group – Timeless Values. Taking on the “responsibility” to proceed and to spread this wonderful energy further, a video of looking back at the 15-years journey of OSP’s establishment and development through a humorous and of course no less touching lens was published.

It would be difficult to show all the events have occurred during 15 years in a video that lasts just over 10 minutes. Therefore, the organizers hoped that this video could encourage everyone, especially new members joining OSP GROUP, to understand more about the Group’s history and passionately feel the enthusiasm that has been passed down through many generations.

With special emotions that the video brought back, General Director Le Quang Dung shared as one of the founders and operators, witnessed the entire 15-years development process of OSP, he sent his most sincere thanks to all the members of OSP family, those who have been devoting their heart and effort to make OSP affirm its position as one of the leading enterprise in supplying IT services in the Vietnam market.

General Director Lê Quang Dũng during the opening remarks of the program

Following the sharing of General Director Le Quang Dung, the ceremony officially entered the most anticipated part, the exchange and sharing of thoughts of members who have been with the Group for a long time. These were memorable memories, stories with thoughtful meanings and of course, with indispensable advice and valuable lessons from those seniors.

Participating in Session 1 were General Director Le Quang Dung and Mr. Nguyen Thanh Hai, two of the four founders of OSP. Accompanying the Co-Founders were Mr. Bui Ba Thang (former director of VAS Center), one of those who laid the foundation for the telecommunications service provision sector, and Mr. To Manh Tuan (former Deputy Project General Director), one of the most “famous” figures at OSP because of his extremely generous and humorous sharing
While the Co-Founders’ sharing showed a realistic picture of the difficulties that a startup has to face, Mr. Bui Ba Thang and Mr. To Manh Tuan, on their part, brought real stories and interesting perspectives on how OSP had operated and maintained its development. It was not only about business strategies but also about creating sustainable connections for a group.

When the session ended, the entire audience turned to the stage to watch a very special performance. It was the performance “Glory is waiting for us” by a group of 13 members who are leaders and staff who have accompanied OSP GROUP for years, the shortest perhaps 5,6 years and the longest is 12 years.

To prepare for this performance, despite having extremely busy schedules, the members tried to arrange time to practice with the most enthusiastic spirit and the result was the performance full of confidence and productivity that was witnessed.

In the past 15 years of OSP, it had not always been a comfort, delight and success journey. The founders and leaders themselves had shared extremely difficult times with OSP. Therefore, to be able to trust and accompany OSP for years, the staff must have been determined and of course, traded many of their own opportunities. They are the important pieces to create the brilliant and wonderful picture of OSP GROUP as it is today.

General Director Le Quang Dung, on behalf of the Group’s Board of Directors, presented 12 employees with commemorative medals and special gifts as a token of gratitude for their efforts and contributions to build a strong and proud OSP as it is today

During the process of exploiting information about the characters to prepare for the 15th Anniversary Gala, the organizers talked and listened to the stories of OSP members, in which Operation Director Tran Quoc Hung shared that, according to him, what contributed to the success of the Group was the fact that the company’s Board of Directors could give opportunities to everyone and was willing to “gamble” to create conditions for employees to demonstrate their abilities. This is also the reason why managers and leaders of OSP today started out as only professional personnel.

In the second sharing session, long-time managers and leaders shared their personal development journey at OSP. It was not difficult to see that the common point in the key to success of these leaders was knowing how to seize opportunities and having the courage to conquer new fields and stepping out of their comfort zone
When asked why they chose to accompany OSP over the years, the members all shared their own reasons and motivations. It could be the opportunities for self-development or simply, OSP has all the elements to create an “ideal” working environment for an employee to stick with and to stabilize. Each personal reason might be different, but in general, everyone felt that OSP GROUP is the place where they could make their wishes and dreams come true

If sharing session 1 took us back in time to the early days of establishment, session 2 was the journey of creation and development depicted through the experiences of the staff, and last but not least in session 3, a vision of the future with opportunities to be seized and challenges to be triumphed appeared in front of the audience’s eyes.

With the vision of an expert with extensive experience working in the telecommunications field, Chairman of the Board of Directors – Mr. Hoang Son drew a panoramic picture of the Vietnamese market at present and in the coming years with the strong development wave of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, the demand for IT services would increase sharply… In order to maintain its current position and implement sustainable development, the OSP team should make great efforts to improve its capacity as well as become more responsive in anticipating and capturing trends
Meanwhile, the guest of honor of the ceremony, Mr. Le Van Thanh (Founder of MoneyOI Financial Management Application and OmAhHum Global Buddhist Technology Platform) as a solution architect of Google also gave analysis and assessment of OSP’s potential. He believed that the progressive spirit and “kindness” in business of the Board of Directors and the Group’s staff would be the key for OSP to firmly step on the increasingly competitive technology race in Vietnam

Closing part 1 of the 15th Anniversary Gala of the Group was  the performance of Belief in Victory as an encouragement that the organizers wanted to send to all the members of OSP family. The journey of OSP would not only be 15 years but also be 30, 45 years and longer.

If the first half of the Anniversary Ceremony brought a deep and gentle atmosphere, up next in the following activities, the auditorium became more exciting than ever with the award ceremony for internal tournaments, light exercise with minigames, and of course, indispensable were the impromptu but “high quality” cultural exchange performances.

The three teams achieved the highest rankings in the Men’s and Women’s Billiards Tournament as part of the OSP GROUP’s 15th Anniversary Celebration. Giving applause to the other 16 pairs of players who made the tournament a huge success
OSP GROUP Men’s and Women’s Football Tournament first season champion – FC Oh My Goal
FC Mar Feat of Arms successfully conquered the tournament with the runner-up position.
FC Heppy Balloon and FC Salamander both “landed” in 3rd place

Female players with the best performances of the 2023 season
Moments of “falling for the prize” of the teams when participating in the minigame “When the family loves each other”
Last but not least, it must be the cultural exchange performances

The 15th Anniversary of OSP GROUP ended with impressive moments, sincere sharing and stories that have been proceeding over the past 15 years. The organizers believed that Timeless Values partly completed its assigned “mission”: spreading timeless values ​​preserved through generations of OSP GROUP members. There are still many new achievements awaiting for us to conquer, hoping that the solidarity and determination of all OSP members would turn all goals into reality.

Once again, congratulations on the 15th Anniversary of OSP Group. Let’s continue to strive to become more courageous and more powerful!
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